
Founder and President


Roman Ormandy is a successful software designer and entrepreneur with a proven history of delivery of market-leading, collaborative 3D software. He received RNDr degree in Artificial Intelligence from University of Bratislava and continued with post graduate work in computational linguistics at Charles University in Prague. In 1985 he founded Caligari Corp in New York City, 3 years after he defected from communist Czechoslovakia. Caligari flagship product, 3D authoring software trueSpace was the first integrated 3D tool for Windows. It evolved over time into avatar based, VR online collaboration and was acquired by Microsoft in 2008. Roman left Microsoft in 2011 and decided to focus on neural science, rather than AI, as grounding technology for wearable assistants.

Walter J Freeman passed away in 2016 but his vision is embedded in the company DNA. He studied physics and mathematics at M.I.T., electronics in the Navy in World War II, philosophy at the University of Chicago, medicine at Yale University, internal medicine at Johns Hopkins, and neuropsychiatry at UCLA. He received his M.D. cum laude in 1954. He has taught brain science in the University of California at Berkeley since 1959, eventually becoming a chairman of the Department of Physiology-Anatomy. Presently he is Professor of the Graduate School, Division of Neurobiology, Department of Molecular and cell Biology. He authored over 450 articles and 6 books and advanced the field of neural science with numerous major discoveries, including field theory of mass neuronal action.

Robert Kozma (Fellow IEEE, Fellow INNS) is First Tennessee University Professor of Mathematics, The University of Memphis, TN, USA, where he is Director of the Center of Large-Scale Integration and Optimization Networks (CLION). Dr. Kozma holds a Ph.D. in Physics (Delft, The Netherlands, 1992), two M.Sc. degrees (Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, 1988; Power Engineering, Moscow, Russia, 1982). He has over 30 years of research experience in the design, analysis, and control of intelligent systems and advanced signal processing. He is the author of 2 patents, 7 books and over 250 articles.

(c) 2017 Embody Corp